Missions & Outreach


As followers of Christ, we are committed to living out the Great Commandment and Great Commission.  Each of our missions provides a unique opportunity to do so and also for the Holy Spirit to remain active in our lives and those we reach.  We pray that our actions would bring glory to God alone and that the lives of our team members and those we reach would be positively impacted in equal measures. 

The Great Commandment: Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

The Great Commission: Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

email lhcinfo@wearebridge.church for more info or to get involved! 

  • Global missions

    ABOUT: WE would establish long term global partners where we can come alongside to serve their purposes, not our own. How we do so will be unique based on each of our Global Partner's needs. 

    Being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for His glory is a lifelong journey.  Participating in global missions is an important step for many Christians and can have a meaningful impact on our spiritual growth.  In this way, the lives of those we serve, and our own can be positively impacted in equal measures.  Because of that, it is our hope that every Church member would at some point be able to participate in a global mission trip. Including those who can’t travel… We will seek to make meaningful opportunities for all who desire to do so to connect and participate from right here in Lake Havasu. 

  • BRIDGE Food Bank

    ABOUT:  We welcome and show Christ’s love to those who come to the pantry for supplies.  We help anyone who is in need during a difficult time. 

    Call 928-302-3000 to get  more information or to set up a time to stop by and  pick up items.


    ABOUT:  Demonstrate the compassion and forgiveness we’ve received through Christ by showing our compassion to those in need. 

    We also act as a primary liaison with public and private partners to schedule outreach days and locations to maximize our impact.  

    The third Saturday of every month we provide breakfast for the homeless on our church campus

  • CLOTHES Closet

    ABOUT:   We provide clothes to families in need.  We also coordinate with local agencies to ensure we are a resource for children in need of clothes. Market for collection of items or coordinate a clothing drive. Line up volunteers to help sort and organize clothes, answer calls from DPS, and meet to distribute clothes.

    Call 928-302-3000 to get  more information or to set up a time to stop by.



    We are  enthusiastic about visiting those whom Jesus described in Matthew 25:36 “I was in prison and you came to me.”

    We are extremely proud to work with and on Governor Ducey’s “Goal Council” board to help create sustainable support for those in and coming out of prison and reduce recidivism. We have ministry opportunities in our local city prison, the Winslow State Prison, and the Maricopa Re-Entry Center. Through this ministry we have seen over 750 men give their life to Christ.

    If you would like to learn more about how you can join us in this powerful and fulfilling outreach, contact us at admin@cclhc.org

  • Angel Tree Program

    ABOUT: Every Christmas season we participate in the Angel Tree program for Lake Havasu and it's surrounding areas.  Email admin@cclhc.org if you would like sponsor and shop for a child with Incarcerated parents.


  • Community Blood Drive

    ABOUT: Throughout the year  we open our Community Center to provide a space for Blood Drives .  Our next one is June 3rd, 11am-3pm. Drop-Ins are welcome or email  vitalant.org to make an appointment in advance.


    We are always listening to where the Holy Spirit is leading.  Share with us the needs you see and how God is calling you to fill that need.  We would love to pray with you and come alongside to see how we can partner together.